Refer & Earn as an Affiliate

There are more ways than one to profit from the Visa/Mastercard Merchant Processing settlement. While qualifying businesses stand to recoup large sums of money, you don’t have to qualify for the settlement at all in order to take advantage of this opportunity. Sign up as an affiliate to refer business owners and earn money for every eligible claim you send our way.

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How it Works

It’s simple—the marketing experts at Found Money will run ad campaigns that generate leads on your behalf. When the leads purchased with your ad spend are converted to filed claims, you make money as an affiliate. Your leads = your referrals, but unlike personal referrals, there is a near endless supply of leads.


The standard practice is to run ad campaigns for approximately two weeks, allowing enough time to spend your submitted funds and get reliable results. Depending on the amount of ad spend submitted, they may choose to shorten or lengthen this timeframe in order to get the best possible results.

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Ad Performance

The Found Money team is continuously monitoring their ad campaigns and working to improve results. That being said, there are many factors that contribute to ad performance, and you acknowledge that past performance is no guarantee of a specific result for your submitted funds.

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Spending Your Funds

100% of your submitted funds will be spent on ads, minus any payment processing fees incurred by Found Money. They are compensated to run ads on behalf of our affiliates, so the entirety of funds we receive from you can go directly to the actual cost of ad spend. In the event that it becomes impractical or impossible to advertise in what they deem to be a prudent manner, the Found Money team reserves the right to refund any unspent funds.

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Lead Nurturing

Beyond generating the initial leads, we will also continue to retarget and drip on all unconverted leads in whatever way we deem to be most effective for creating the highest possible conversion rate.

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Lead Conversion Support

Our goal is always to convert the highest number of leads automatically, but some leads will require one-on-one support in order to convert. For those situations, we provide a trained team of sales/support reps to assist with leads that require a human touch. For all converted leads where a rep was required to assist, a small portion of the contingency commission will be reallocated to compensate the rep for their work (exact percentage can be found in your affiliate agreement).

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Blue Atlas USA is an independent service provider and does not offer legal advice or services. We are not connected to the class administrator, the court, class counsel, or any other official entities involved in the Visa and Mastercard class action settlement.You have the right to file your claim independently without any fees, and it is not necessary to use a third-party claims consultant. During the claims-filing period, the Class Administrator and Class Counsel provide free assistance. Utilizing a third-party service is not required to receive monetary compensation from the settlement. For detailed information about the case and ongoing updates, please visit the Court-approved website at